Disneyland 2015
Disneyland 2015
Although it had been a while since our last visit to the Magic Kingdom, we had no trouble adjusting to the excitement.
The planning stages for a trip to Disneyland began before the Thanksgiving dinner dishes were done. We wanted to surprise our six year old Great Granddaughter, Melody. After all, no grandparent in their right mind would ever dream of telling a little kid about going to Disneyland too far in advance, else the daily onslaught of excitement and questions would drive a codger crazy.
We had a great plane ride to Long Beach. Deb and I had invited our grandson, Dawson, to come along, too. We figured two kids would be better than one in case we couldn't ride all the scary Tea Cup type rides with her.
The jetBlue Airlines provided the best flying times, as well as the best price. This is one of our two favorite airlines to fly as it seems to have more room than other planes. Debby sat with the two grandkids and I was in the first seat across the aisle. Next to me was a couple on their way to Cypress. The husband sat next to the window and worked on being a humorist. He leaned over as I was trying to read the words on the video/audio controller on the arm rest, telling me to be careful, that if I pressed the center button the wing would fall off. His wife laughed. A few minutes later, not to be outdone, I held up the barf bag and asked if they "have any extras because I only have one?" They looked at me nervously before figuring out I was only jerking their chain.
Our minivan ride from the Long Beach Airport was uneventful and our driver was talkative. That made the trip go faster. We gave him an extra dollar tip. He dropped us off in front of our motel in good order. We put our luggage in a storage room and headed across the street to the Disneyland entrance. This was our first of three days.
Our time there passed quickly. Our Park Hopper passes allowed us to enjoy both Disneyland and California Adventures. According to our step counters, we walked several miles every day. One thing was for certain, we were exhausted every evening!
Our fourth day did not include the Park. My cousin came and picked us up for a time of visiting. We headed for Ruby's, at the end of the pier at Huntington Beach. We watched the surfers and had lunch. The kids got to play in the sand for a little while. The weather began to change. Dark clouds were blowing in from the south and I could smell the rain coming. We load up and went to my cousin's house for a little while before he took us to the Long Beach Airport, where we were scrutinized, X-rayed, photographed, fingerprinted and searched as we went through Security. I guess we fit the terrorist profile.