Monday, July 20, 2020

To Arkansas 

To Arkansas

   If you are a citizen of the U S of A, it is assumed by the government that you are not capable of doing anything on your own and are always in need of laws, directives and orders to tell you how to live your life. Such is the dilemma a we all find ourselves in these days. Because of the virus threat we are all isolated, quarantined, sequestered and confined to home except for getting out to buy essentials like food, fuel and anything else we want to get at stores like Walmart, Target or Lowe’s. Apparently abortion clinics and liquor stores fall into the "essential" category, as they remain open for business.  

   After three or four months of this seclusion, most of us are tired of being cooped up like caged rats in a laboratory. We are no different. So we decided its time to venture out. Fly the coop. Make like a tree and leaf. After all, if the airlines are running and restaurants across the country are opening, it’s time to go somewhere out of our locked down county and get a haircut or something!

   American Airlines was more than willing to accommodate us for a trip to the Midwest. So we flew. We took a 10 day vacation and flew into Northwest Arkansas. None of my friends wanted to take a road trip. Both of them were busy I guess.  

   Our flight was uneventful for the most part . We were required to wear masks all the time but there were no rules of social distancing on the planes.The stewardesses did not serve us the coveted pop and pretzels in flight but they did come around later with bags and pick up the trash.

   We bought an extra seat on this trip for Toronto,my Gide Dog. This way he had lots of leg room to stretch out.  

   An interesting thing happened on the plane ride. A man and woman couple in the seats behind us gave our granddaughter, Rosie a note and $60 for her to give to me, who is sitting next to Rosie. The lady probably figured if I was blind, I was also deaf so she had to talk to our 12 year old. The note basically said ‘thank you for your service and we wanted to treat you to dinner in a restaurant’. I soon found out what the note said and accepted the $60, then turned around. I tried to give it back; that it was nnot necessary. They insisted so I did keep it . I thanked them for what they did and told them that I do appreciate it.

   The whole experience seemed a little creepy because of the way it was handled. Debby was sitting across the aisle and saw the stranger talking to Rosie through the crack between the seats. Rosie sat by the window, I was on the aisle and Toronto’s empty chair was in the middle. The stranger sat behind us in the middle chair. She could have just as easily spoken to me through the other crack. 

   I noticed that stranger talking to Rosie and overheard her say, "...after we land." My first thought was her trying to lure my granddaughter into who knows what? Debby had the same thought and was standing in the aisle talking to Rosie. Every time they turned to look at the lady, she had her head back and her eyes closed. The stewardess cane and asked something was wrong. We said, "no". When Rosie produced the note and money to Debby, we grew less concerned but were still perplexed as to the way this lady handled everything. It was very odd. 

   Ron and Nancy Pinkerton, lifelong friends and world traveling companion, picked us up at the airport.     

   We rode in Ron’s quad cab pickup, massless and without taking our temperature.  

   On the way to the Pinkerton’s, we stopped off to eat dinner as we were hungry from not eating all day. Our destination was Cracker Barrel Old Country Store where we indulged in that old fried food for which they are so famous. My chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes with white gravy and a side dish of okra went well with a big glass of real lemonade. We talked about the couple on the plane who gave us the money for this meal, albeit under strange circumstances, but that we appreciated it. It dawned on us that this was the same restaurant, where two years ago, a man paid for our meals for the same exact reason! I may have to come here more often!

   Ron and I relaxed around the house on Saturday while the girls took themselves out to find pedicures , hair cutters and all that’s stuff.  

   On Sunday we had church services via YouTube as did most folks across the country. Robinson Avenue Church of Christ will have their first in-house service starting July 5th, since the pandemic began.  

   Sunday afternoon we drove over to Siloam springs to spend the afternoon with their daughter’s family. We had a BBQ and sat around the swimming pool watching the kids swim , all without masks or much social distancing. The food was great and so was the sitting around!  

   A little later Debby, Nancy, Rhonda and Steve took off to go look at some property. Debby and I have been toying with the idea of selling out in Oregon and coming back to God’s country in the Boston Mountains of Northwest Arkansas, where I grew up. It’s kind of like "roots". I do love this neck of the woods!

   We had previously became aware of a 4-lot piece of property with a large, turn of the century, home and about 400 feet of creek frontage for sale. It was on the edge of town and looked very promising for two or three family units. The price was less than $200k and within walking distance to downtown Siloam Springs. We also learned that someone had put down money on the old place and it was no longer available. Debby and Nancy wanted to check it out anyway. They found out that there was a deep, steep drop down to the creek from the top, virtually inaccessible as we had envisioned to be. It was also across the road from the local Sanatation Department. That would not be good on a hot,breezy day. No wonder the paint was peeling on the old house! So, this one would be a resounding "NO" in our book!

   On Monday there was much running around to do. Ron called out the backup barber and got us hair cutting appointments for one o’clock. We got ready and headed out to run a few errands before the appointment. Debby and Nancy were already out-and-about shoppping with Rosie. They were giving her pointers on how to shop. She is only 12 but they figure it’s never too early to learn. Nancy gave Rosie instructions and soon had her raising her right hand and vowing to "never pay full price" for anything sold in stores.  

   Our two haircuts took about an hour and a half. It was hard for granny to talk and cut hair at the same time...and she talked a lot! I didn’t realize mine was so bad! The lady who cut our hair was a grandma but did an okay job. I think I still wear the "hat wings" but with my vision, I don’t really notice. No one else has complained to me. For an hour and a half our granny barber never stopped talking about kids, husbands, permits and house remodels. Ron didn’t help natters any with all his questions! Apparently, I knew this lady since the early 80’s . I couldn’t place her name because I forgot and I didn’t recognize her face because I can’t see it. Besides, we’re both 45 years older!  

   On Tuesday, the girls were once again, out shopping. Ron and I took a small road trip and went up to Winslow, AR, at the top of a hill in the Boston Mountains. We wanted to check out a particular view called "Artist’s Point" and the Hummingbird store next door. Unfortunately the store was closed. This is one area that I would love to live in, although Ron says he wouldn’t like the winter ice and snow that tends to keep folks at home! I wouldn’t mind if my wood box was full and I had a warm fire burning in the stove. 

   We looked around at some of the other outlying areas and small communities for property. Many of them would be perfect. However, as my eyesight diminishes more and more, sidewalks are my friends! This area has no sidewalks except for downtown and some residential areas. No sidewalks means harder walking for me and Toronto. Walking the highways could be dangerous fir a blind guy and a distracted dog! !

   On Tuesday we relaxed for the most part. Nancy was cooking up a big meal in the crock pot of roast beef and potatoes. We had invited my Niece, Tina and Rod, to come over for dinner and a visit. We had a great meal and a great visit! I always like to be around Tina. She is a crack up and a lot of fun. She was excited that we were looking for property and the possibility of moving there. They will be building themselves a new house soo . She invited us to live in her music room. I told her that a duplex design would be a good idea.  


To Branson

To Branson

   We were up at the usual time on Wednesday. We finished packing our things and readying ourselves for a drive to Branson. Nancy and Ron drove us there . On the way we drove through some possible areas of future places to live; Elkins, Black Oak, Greenland, and a few other small communities near Springdale. Along the way we decided to stop for lunch. Granny’s Kitchen, near Huntsville, looked like a great place to stop for lunch, so we stopped and went inside.

   Rosie and I had a photo op with Granny to help remember her delicious food. Once again I sampled their chicken fried steak meal with Okra. It was the best I had eaten in a long time. The old country style atmosphere was quaint and the food was delicious. No one went away hungry.

   Along the way to Branson we stopped off in Alpena to see Nancy’s old home place and have a short visit with her mom. It was good to see her again. We couldn’t stay long but the visit was nice.

   In less than an hour we arrived in Branson. Ron and Nancy dropped off Rosie and I at the Majestic Theatre in Branson while Debby went on to Kimberling City where we would be staying. We would be attending a dinner theatre this evening. Teri works here and invited us to watch the production of a murder mystery. We had a great fried chicken dinner and sweet tea. The production used audience participation and Rosie was chosen as one of the guest actresses. Her stage name was Kay Marty. Personally, I think she was the best supporting actress for the evening. I may be a little biased. Not sure. 

   Afterwards, Teri and Sam took us to Kimberling City. This was the home of Sandi and Marvin, Debby’s sister and where her mom lives. Their home sits on a double lot along a hillside road overlooking a large wooded acreage , Kimberling City down below and beyond to a piece of Lake of the Ozarks. It is a great view. I spent most every morning having my coffee on the covered porch overlooking their huge deck, swimming pool and this vast view. There was something peaceful about this early morning view as the sun rose. 

   Teri, another sister, and her man, Sam, have a candle shop at Shepherd of the Hills, a tourist stop that spirts a few shops, a tower with zip line, horses and wagons and live performances. . Rosie and I took in a live performance there as they unfolded the history of Shepherd of the Hills. The Shepherd had a rough start as he worked to earn the trust of these hill folks. His name was Matt. The bad guys, known as the "Baldknobbers" made life difficult for this stranger but in the end, things worked out pretty good. There is a famous book written with this same title that you should read. 

   Rosie and I attended this evening performance. We sat in an assigned handicap section with no one even close to us! The play was well done. She was surprised and saddened when the Baldknobbers set fire to old Matt’s cabin. She couldn’t believe it actually burned!

   On Friday, Rosie also set up shop at Aunt Teri;s candle shop, painting smalll candle pots and personalizing them for tourists to buy. She was known as a visiting artist. She sold three or four while we were there that afternoon.

   Teri also did a demonstration for some visitors and made a patriotic candle that any veteran would appreciate. Debby bought it for me.

  Friday is also Farmer’s Market day. While Rosie did her thing, I bought some fresh peaches, tomatoes and cucumbers for the dinner table. There were also many things one could buy; some were hand made or hand grown. The Farmer’s Market is held every Friday featuring local farm fresh vegetables and crafts. 

   As I sat quietly at a picnic table near one of the tents, I overheard a funny conversation . A lady was walking around talking loudly on her cell phone. These kinds of people usually have egos that cast long shadows. You know the type. I had no problem hearing what she said, though the other end was quiet. At one point during her conversation, she said, 
"In California we have nighttime farmer’s markets and they are held at night". I don’t know who she was talking to but they must have had the brains of a fence post order for her to feel the need to explain that nighttime stuff happens at night. 😎

   I spent a lot of time with Rosie, helping keep her entertained while Debby spent more time with her mom. But Debby took a couple of hours off for all of us to attend a dog show in Shepherd of the Hills. Before the show, we were served a very good lunch of chicken and pork tenderloin, including all the trimmings and dessert! It was a great Neal!

   The show was a ventriloquist, named Todd Oliver, who had taught his small Terrier to flap his jaw as the man squeezed it’s back and talked for the dog. It was really quite funny, though I couldn’t see the dog’s jaw move.Rosie loved it! Even more amazing was that this dog sat attentively for nearly two hours!

   Uncle Sam went with us to Silver Dollar City on in Monday. We were required to wear our masks all day but it wasn’t too bad. On one occasion the mask police came by and told Sam to wear his mask. Sam said okay but he never did. That boy is a reb el!

  Rosie rode her first roller coaster at SDC. She was very nervous and apprehensive, to the point of sweating bullets, but she and Sam climbed aboard with Sam kidding her that "not very many people have died on this ride". Rosie said, "Wait! What do you mean by ‘not very many’?", followed by Sam’s laughter. . It was called "Wildfire" and had several loops that turned everyone upside down. She liked it so much she wanted to go again. ‘Sam was too queasy to go again so soon. During the day of fun she rode two more roller coasters! I think she is hooked!

   We ate lunch in a small outdoor eatery. I had my fix of southern Succotash, which is a favorite of mine, while Sam had a similar bowl of chicken and vegetables. Rosie gnawed away on a huge turkey leg. After Rosie got full, Sam spied meat still hanging on the bone and finished it off without even coming up for air! .  

   We picked a great day to visit SDC. According to our shuttle driver as we rode to the parking lot, only about 1000 people came today. Apparently this place is normal if it has about 15,000, even more on a great’ day! A thousand people felt like no one was even there. There were virtually no lines, no crowds and no one to bump into. It was great!

   My Guide Dog, Toronto, liked it. He is a great traveler; planes, cars or in parks. I think he just likes to be out working. We tried climbing aboard one particular ride and due pretty well getting past the first guy who directed us to a fate. The gate opened and the boss lady caught us climbing aboard. She might have had only one tooth but she had two good eyes! She hollered at her bouncer who cane over and told me that dogs were not allowed on this ride! Hey, it’s only a kiddie boat ride through the pirate’s cave. We had our own seat and Toronto was excited! The boss lady held up the boat until we got off and walked the path of shame to the exit door, in the dark, while everyone watched, perhaps wondering how this lady with probably one tooth and maybe a little facial hair could be this mean. Toronto glanced at the tattoo on her bicep as she pointed a bony finger towards the wooden barn door. Rosie kept saying she was sorry. She felt bad for us. Toronto headed for the exit with me in tow. 

   But Toronto did well. It was not a hot day nor was the sun out all day. It was just about right. He was content with people watching and kept alert by an occasional kibble. 

   Tuesday we stayed around the house while Rosie swam in the pool as much and as often as she wanted. The pool is not large but it is kept warm. She liked that. 

   About noontime on Saturday ,some friends of ours that I have known since 1960 came over from Ozark, MO to visit and have lunch. It was great seeing them again!  

   About 4:00, Rosie’s GGma and GGPa came over from Talequah, OK to visit. We had tacos for dinner and a great visit. These two run Burnt Cabin Christian Camp. But Rosie had a great visit and asked them lots of questions .

   On Sunday we attended curch in Kimberling City. This was the first indoor church service we have been to since the pandemic begaan back in March! It was great to be around them and hopeful that things will soon get back to normal.hechurch had two services this morning . We were in the second of about 40 people. We had to make reservations, wear masks and maintain social distancing but it was well worth it!

   After church we headed for Cracker Barrel for lunch but the lines were so long that we didn’t want to wait for an hour to get seated. Instead we stopped at a spaghetti place just down the street where there was no waiting. The indoor atmosphere is unique and the food is mediocre which probably explains the lack of lines! I treated everyone as was always the custom of Uncle Phil when he was alive. Whenever I can, I will always treat in his memory. After lunch, Aunt Leigh treated us to a Blizzard ice cream. 

   Our son, Matt, drove up from Oklahoma City Monday evening. We had a great visit. He took us to the Springfield airport early Wednesday morning. Our flight home had us changing planes in Dallas. Having to take the shuttle train to another concourse takes time. We barely had time to have a bathroom break! Along the way to our gate Debby found the Ladies room and told me the Men’s room was the next entrance on the left. As I turned and went inside I heard a man’s voice say, "Sir, that’s the women’s! That us the women’s room, sir!" It dawned on me that he was talking to he! Not to worry, I didn’t see all that much! Thanks, Debby. 

   We made home just after noontime. Mt Hood was a welcoming site. Pristine, snow covered; always beautiful. 


Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Vidanta Grand Luxe

Jan 26, 2020

    Our flight from Houston to Cancun International was an easy 1.5 hour flight. Customs was quick and easy without the scrutiny like we received in Saint Petersburg, Russia, for sure! Our traveling companions, Ron and the lovely Nancy Pinkerton were once again sharing the week with us in this luxury 5 star resort. Nancy had arranged our accommodations through a travel deal she made. She also arranged to have a shuttle pick us up at CI after our arrival.
    The half hour ride was non-scenic along the thick jungle type vegetation that grew along the highway. A large stone entrance marked the Vidanta complex, a thousand acre chunk of real estate teeming with resorts, restaurants, water features, swimming pools, roads lined with jungle vegetation and a myriad of electric carts to transport vacationers to their various resorts.
     We stayed at a building called the Jungle in the Grand Luxe Riviera Maya. We and the Pinkerton’s each had our own one bedroom, two bath condos complete with kitchen, dining room, living room, bedroom with king bed. We had maid service daily with evening turn down and chocolate on the pillows.

   The huge swimming pool nearby had more than a mile of shoreline and was lined with lounge chairs, grass thatched roofs on large cabanas, some with beds, umbrellas, roving waiters and waitresses to take food and drink orders, live and DJ music, exercise classes, games Ana ton of stuff to do.

   The Gulf of Mexico was pristine with many 🌴 coconut trees, more lounge chairs, waiters, boardwalks, docks and more swimming pools. The Havana Moon was a favorite restaurant near the pool where we enjoyed several meals.

 This place exists to sell time shares so we prepared ourselves for the coming pressures, and come it did three days after our arrival.
   Hector bought us breakfast at one of the nicer restaurants, a great buffet spread of food from salmon to omelets and exotic fresh fruits 🍉 and perfectly blended fresh juices. A fitting Segway into the hour of negotiations. Let the fun begin!
   Note: we held out, stood our ground as they painted an enticing picture. I remember the Proverb that says, “A fool and his money are soon parted “.
   For a price one could do about anything one desired. There were many excursions to be had. The closest town was Playa del Carmen. We went there twice for about $20 one way. They had a very Nice Walmart where we picked out our groceries for the week. Shopping on “5th Avenue “ was also fun.
   Coatis, aka Mexican 🦝 Raccoons and iguana 🦎roamed around the complex like they owned the place. I tried to stuff one in my suitcase but Debby said no. Besides, Toronto would probably mistake it for a chew toy.




Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Cancun Bay Tours

Cancun Bay Tours

One would think that a massive tour bus, gorgeous on the outside, huge to walk beside, would be equally impressive on the inside. Not so!
   If you take a tour on the Yucatán Peninsula, you might be tempted to choose Cancun Bay company. If so, you might want to first do your homework.
   The first leg of our trip to visit the Mayan Ruins offered seating in the second row, reserved for handicap seating. Debby’s seat back was broken, allowing the seat back to recline all the way into the lap of the passenger behind. This irritated the lady behind us.
   Back on the bus following our breakfast drop, we were not really disappointed to find our seats had been taken by a transfer passenger. So we ended up in a row with no clear view through the window. I was not bothered about this because I have limited vision anyway.
   The main problem with this tour company was they redesigned coach seating to cram everything together. It appeared to us that by crowding the rows together, they were able to add 4 to 8 more seats, thus able to increase revenue at the expense of passenger comfort.
   Simply sitting upright. Our knees rubbed the back of the seat in front. The rough fabric caused "rug burns" on the bare knees. We were very uncomfortable!
To make things worse, a two hour ride to Chichenitza took 3 1/2 hours one way because Cancun Bay detoured from the highway route, taking us first into a dusty wayside to herd us into a conveniently placed souvenir shop and into a crowded room where we enjoyed a cold breakfast for an hour.
   The second detour took us into a poor Mayan village created by these tour companies to help the poor Mayans make a living. I’m certain the tour companies also line their pockets from this venue. After routing us through the local souvenir shop twice, a visit to an underground swimming hole and a crowded cafeteria for lunch, we were back on the bus for the final hour and a half ride to Chichenitza.
   We ended up having limited time to explore the ruins buses made the best of it even though the tour guides told us to hang together as a group.
   Souvenir shops and sellers lined the pathway that meandered through the complex. We had already been carefully programmed to not talk to or buy from these vendors. Their fake products, shortchanging practices and buyer be aware of potential counterfeit change. One thing was for certain; the prices I heard called out were cheaper than the first two stops we were taken to.

   Back on the bus in a couple of hours, we faced another 3-1/2 hour ride home because of 2 detours.  First we took a side trip into a small city where we wandered around the town square.  This was a good stop.  Much better than any other stop we made!  Too bad we only got 30 minutes!  The final stop was to drop off some passengers.
   The final two hours of our journey was made I even more miserable. The Cancun Bay company began serving tequila, beer and margaritas to the passengers, without limitations. The two guys right behind us became obnoxious and were plastered. Our two Cancun Bay guides, Hector and Daniel continued to bring them rink after drink. Drunken passenger probably tip more. However, at this point I was determined to considerably reduce their tip! Which I did.
   Considering the one hundred plus dollars the four of us spent on this trip, we might have done much more with a taxi and a good tour book

Cancun to Mayan Ruins 

On Thursday , two days ago the four of us took an excursion to go visit the ancient Mayan ruins of Chicken Pizza, aka Chichenitza.

   We were up before the chickens to catch the shuttle for the main transportation area where we caught a large tour bus. The bus ended up being very full with no empty seats left. Our tour company was Cancun Bay. The main tour guide, Hector, was very knowledgeable on Mayan culture and spent nearly 2 hours describing in great detail, everything he knew in both Spanish and English. He also described in great detail how the bus has a toilet in the back but to use only for number one, to not use it for the “poo, the doo, or the number two”; using many other slang words describing the process; that if the number 2 was necessary, Miguelito could stop the bus and we could take the Machete into the jungle to “cut the flower”.
   We got lessons (many lessons) in Mayan math and Mayan language. He was very knowledgeable but I think talked uncontrollably. We certainly got a snootfull.
   The bus stopped twice on the way. Our first stop was a little dirty spot where we dropped off and picked up passengers. Our bus was full. Here we ate breakfast. Breakfast was a buffet type meal where we went through the line and picked out things that we thought were good to eat.. I can’t remember exactly what I had but I did have a few scrambled eggs and one sunnyside up. The fried egg was cold, pretty much like the coffee.
   Soon, we were back on the bus listening to more Mayan history from Hector. I believe it was along this stretch of the road that he pulled out a large pad of paper and a black marker. He begin showing us how the ancient Mayans figured out multiplication.
   Our next stop was at a small Mayan village. We were introduced to the village chief and said hello in the Mayon language. A few more words from Hector completed our introductions and we were herded toward a souvenir shop , encouraged to support these poor Mayans. Inside we were greeted by native Mayans who presented us their homemade items that they had apparently crafted themselves. There were many things made from Obsidian. There were wafers of Obsidian that were translucent enough to look up and see a small light in the sky which was the sun. There were various shapes of apple size Obsidian stones that were used as massage stones; some with handles. They were also Mayan calendars on leather, hats, keychains and a myriad of other things one could buy.
   We were not yet able to go explore the Cenote because the oath was gated. The closest gate was ironically placed to cause you to enter and exit through this one souvenir shop, both coming and going. Cancun Bay tours were really pushing us to buy from this shop! Eventually we were allowed to walk down a gravel pathway towards the opening of a subterranean swimming hole.  
   This was a natural cave, called Cenote.   Daylight came in through a hole in the cave ceiling where, apparently, some poor unfortunate man accidentally fell through years before and discovered this cavern. We do not know his circumstance. I am sure his breakthrough discovery was a screaming experience.Apparently, there are many of these limestone caves in the Yucatán Peninsula.
   Following the cave swim, we returned along the same path and were, once again funneled into the gift shop before we were given two drink tickets for lunch. We were escorted to a large room like a cafeteria, where we sat down for lunch. The food was served cafeteria style. I thought our lunch was a good meal. The food was certainly Mexican and was still hot. Our drink tickets allowed us a variety of soft drinks in the bottle.
   Following lunch, we got back on the bus. Our next stop would be at the Mayan ruins. Hector decided to give us a break from his talking and gave us an hour of quiet time in case some old timers needed to take a nap.
   No doubt, the Mayan ruins were impressive. These huge structures were hewn from the limestone by the Mayans using tools of Obsidian and other natural resources as iron was not yet part of their culture.
   I heard that these ruins lay dormant for 600 years. During that time the jungle enveloped these massive structures, covering the pyramid with climbing vines, trees and bushes. One could tell the stones were damage by the roots
   Because there are no mountains in the Yucatán the ruins which stood high enough on this flat land to be noticed, covered with vegetation, was investigated by treasure seekers. Later on, the government took possession, cleared off the vegetation, and brought visitors to this Wonder of the world.
   A few years ago, tourists were allowed to climb the 92 steps to the top of the pyramid, but that got stopped after a female Codger fell off and died.
   As we walked along the pathway from one structure to another, we were continually hounded by people selling trinkets and souvenirs of all types. Most of them seemed to have the same things with a few exceptions. You could hear phrases from them like, “nearly free”, “only one dollar” and other words trying to entice you to buy their wares..
   During our bus trip, our tour guide, Hector, emphasized to be cautious if buying anything from these hundreds of small shops. He told us that much of their items were made overseas, not by local crafters, that they would try to cheat you in some way, perhaps giving you change made from counterfeit pesos. His advice to us was such that we should not even make eye contact with these vendors.
   I did notice that many, many people paid no attention to
these vendors. It got me to thinking of why? I came to the conclusion that because our tour company emphasized buying from the Mayon village that the participating tour companies are probably making money from the sales at the Mayon village. It is possible that because many of these shops along the ruins trail are independently owned, there was no way they could make a deal to get money from them. I think that’s why they emphasized to us not to buy there. Just my thoughts. But it does make sense. Tour companies are out to make money whatever way they can. I might be mistaken.
   Our long ride home was uneventful except for the drunks on board our bus. But, that’s another story.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Cancun to Plata del Carmen

Playa del Carmen.
This afternoon we took a taxi into Playa del Carmen, a little seaside town about 35 miles and 435 pesos away. We spent some time shopping and listening to the “barkers” trying to get us into their stores and buy their stuff. They lined the street called 5th Avenue for 15 blocks. Four of them claimed to know us! 😎 “Hey! Remember me? I’m Carlos! I was your waiter at the restaurant!” One guy said, “I will not lie to you; I was NOT your waiter! Come! Let me show you something!”
   Our lunch at a corner cafe proved to be fun! We got balloon hats, great food and free entertainment by world class dancing waiters and waitresses!

   We also bought groceries at Walmart! Yes, Walmart! It was a very classy store! Very clean with a HUGE variety of produce! I think we spent a hundred dollars on food! It was great! It was all made or grown in Mexico. I don’t believe they would truck groceries from Bentonville to Cancun.

   Ron had trouble finding a Dr Pepper but the 7-Eleven has some, as they do
over Europe. Ron goes in and hands the clerk a $10 bill (us). She said, “I need more.” So Ron uses his credit card without thinking and went on his merry way. He began to realize what happened and checked his recent. His bottle of Dr Pepper cost him $14.00. Woah!! 😎  Note:  you probably shouldn’t ask Ron what a $14 bottle of Dr Pepper tastes like!  Just


Friday, January 31, 2020



Once again Mike and Debby put on our traveling clothes for another adventure. It wasn’t that hard to leave the blustery East winds of Oregon, or the relentless rain that bihas plagued us for several weeks, to accept an invite to go spend a week in Cancun, Mexico! Our traveling companions, Ron and Nancy Pinkerton had secured a couple of condos at the Grand Luxe 5 star Resort,. The Grand Luxe is one of seven resorts inside a huge complex that also sports seven restaurants, shops, swimming pools that are much nicer and larger than some lakes in Washington wilderness areas, and a thousand Mexican trams to taxi you from one spot to another!
    There’s plenty of wildlife to entertain the kid in you; flamingos 🦩, iguanas 🦎 of all sizes, coatis or Mexican raccoon, as some call them and a myriad of birds, some of which have been seen stealing food off one’s table at lunch!
   We arrived Sunday late afternoon. As this RCI property exists to sell ownerships, checking in took a while because “they have a plan”.
   Our condo wing, called Jungle in the Grand Lux, is constructed in what appears to be in a jungle clearing, as are buildings 1 through 9; we are in 8-9.Birds and Mexican raccoons would actually invade our tiny patio if we sat there and started feeding them! The management, however, frowns on feeding the little guys.
   The rooms are very nice; spacious with tall ceilings. The Pinkerton’s and us have our own one bedroom unit. Our tram driver said that Michael Jordan comes and stays at the Grand Lux and will be coming this September.
   This complex is called Vidanta Resorts. It is a 1000-acre complex and growing. This morning we spent a couple of hours with a high pressure salesman over a free breakfast buffet getting fired up to buy into this gig. The salesman wasn’t happy that we didn’t bite but not everyone does. But for just listening we received some discounts and a few “two-fer’s” on restaurants.