Once again Mike and Debby put on our traveling clothes for another adventure. It wasn’t that hard to leave the blustery East winds of Oregon, or the relentless rain that bihas plagued us for several weeks, to accept an invite to go spend a week in Cancun, Mexico! Our traveling companions, Ron and Nancy Pinkerton had secured a couple of condos at the Grand Luxe 5 star Resort,. The Grand Luxe is one of seven resorts inside a huge complex that also sports seven restaurants, shops, swimming pools that are much nicer and larger than some lakes in Washington wilderness areas, and a thousand Mexican trams to taxi you from one spot to another!

We arrived Sunday late afternoon. As this RCI property exists to sell ownerships, checking in took a while because “they have a plan”.
Our condo wing, called Jungle in the Grand Lux, is constructed in what appears to be in a jungle clearing, as are buildings 1 through 9; we are in 8-9.Birds and Mexican raccoons would actually invade our tiny patio if we sat there and started feeding them! The management, however, frowns on feeding the little guys.
The rooms are very nice; spacious with tall ceilings. The Pinkerton’s and us have our own one bedroom unit. Our tram driver said that Michael Jordan comes and stays at the Grand Lux and will be coming this September.
This complex is called Vidanta Resorts. It is a 1000-acre complex and growing. This morning we spent a couple of hours with a high pressure salesman over a free breakfast buffet getting fired up to buy into this gig. The salesman wasn’t happy that we didn’t bite but not everyone does. But for just listening we received some discounts and a few “two-fer’s” on restaurants.