Sunday, February 28, 2021

 Puerto Peñasco, Mexico... Day 7


   Ron and I decided tho try our hand at golfing.  Compared to me he is a pro.  The best part was him letting me drugged golf cart. He, apparently, forgot that I am legally blind and don’t have a driver’s license.   What are those little brown animals called?  I might have hurt a couple.    But we didn’t do well at golf. I couldn’t see where my ball went and Ron couldn’t remember. 

   Ha Ha!  😂 Just kidding about golfing!  I made all that up because I wanted something fun to write about on our last day!  A little blind humor, if you will. 😎

   Hot tubbing, sunbathing, snacking, a napping around the poolside today.  Room service pizza and rolled tacos for dinner tonight. 

   Me and Toronto walked out to the surf after dinner. Picked up a few seashells for a wind chime idea I have. I used to love beach combing. Back inside to pack suitcases and prepare to go back to Arizona in the morning. 

   Back out to the beach again to salute our last sunset. 








Friday, February 26, 2021

Puerto Peñasco, Mexico..Day 6


   Today’s high temperature is projected to be in the mid-60’s. The wind is about 20 knots and, once again, coat and hat temperatures. 

   We had breakfast in Ron & Nancy’s  condo this morning. The girls had a spa treatment at 0930 so we had a little time to do laundry. 

  I had a spa treatment myself at 11:30. Toronto and I walked the two Codger miles so we could limber up. First up was a Swedish massage .  It was a wonderful experience!  I should’ve been doing that all week!

   Next up was my pampered pedicure; nail trimming, heel buffing, and feet massage.  Well worth the half price discount we got for sitting through that sales presentation.  

   After rolling me out of there, I met up with Debby along the way.  She detoured me over to meet up with Ron & Nance for lunch. The shrimp was an excellent choice!

   Looks like more tourists are coming in this evening. The workers here are excited about the potential Spring Break crowd.  It’s hard for the locals to make much of a living when the resort is barely 11% occupied. 

   Tomorrow is Saturday, our last full day. It’s been a very relaxing week!


 Puerto Peñasco, Mexico... Day 5


   Thus far, our visit to this Mexican resort has been fun. We are mindful of COVID risks and we take every precaution. What we do and see is very much like what we do in the states. The main difference is we virtually have this huge resort to ourselves!  Walking from one end of the garden area, alongside the swimming pools and the Lazy River, to the other end, we usually see only 3 to 6 people. It’s almost like Nancy booked this whole resort for us!

   I am still awed at crossing the border into Mexico. There was one security guard. The 7 of us walking in with our luggage was asked only one question.  “Are you only bringing in your clothes?”  One or two of our group answered “yes” and he waved us on through. We were not asked to show passports or id. Nothing was asked of Toronto. 

   It does seem a bit chilly here. The wind picked up again this morning. We had planned to take a taxi into town and do the whale watching tour today but yesterday, Eric the Booker said the sightseeing boats would be grounded today because of bad weather. Perhaps a storm is brewing. The wind is blowing 40 km/hr today. It should be a good day for Ron to play golf. All he has to do is make a good chip shot and let the wind carry the ball to the green!  

   We walked to the restaurant this morning at 9:00 to have breakfast.  Once again we saw no other customers. 

   Lounging around the pool this afternoon we saw only 5 other tourists. Word has it that this resort will be at full capacity in a few days when Spring Break comes.  That means 1000 - 1500 people. I suspect it will be hard to find even a lounge chair!   But this week, we have our pick!

   We had a delicious dinner inside tonight. Spaghetti with meat sauce and salad. Worth every penny!!

   Following dinner, Ron and I explored the beach during our   lower than normal low tide.  It was interesting that beyond the regular sandy beach we normally have, the sand is hard packed and wavy like corrugated tin on a barn. With a minus 0.7’, the surf seemed to be another 1/4 mile farther out. We had to remove our shoes and socks because there were 4 or 5 bodies of water we had to cross. Toronto was a little apprehensive but soon became adapted to the task. Ironically the quantity of seashells diminished the farther out were got and we found only one. Both halves were still attached. It was about 4”across. A nice one. 

   We spotted one toe-size soft shell crab and a green starfish. Toronto enjoyed frolicking in the sand, getting pretty rambunctious. He. Almost knocked Ron down; hit him so hard!  

   It was a nice hike and we enjoyed the sunset. Toronto got us back to the exact same spot we started.  He had no trouble navigating us in the dark. Our feet were so cold when we got back that we decided to stand in the shallow end of the hot tub and equalize. Sure felt good!


Thursday, February 25, 2021

 Puerto Peñasco, Mexico... Day 4


   As we had no firm plans today we decided to take a stroll along the swimming pool and see about making a reservation for Whale watching.  We pretty much have this whole place to ourselves and booking a Whale watching excursion was easy. In fact, it was so easy that Eric the booker talked us into going out today!  So we did!

   In 15 minutes, Eric picked us up in front of the Mayan Palace and we were off to town. 

   The bot was nice and roomy; offering seating for about so dozen tourists. They provided drinks and snacks for a 3-hour tour. I don’t know the boat’s name but pretty sure it wasn’t the USS MINNOW!  

   In due time we spotted a group of Dolphins having a good time. We hung around and watched them for a while before heading on to bigger things. 

   Out a little farther we pulled up into an area where a couple other tour boats were parked. They had been watching a couple of Whales so we joined them. We spotted them a couple of times but we were not treated to anything spectacular. 

   It was a good trip. It was also good to pull into the harbor to catch our ride back to the Grand Mayan. We were all tired from the busy day’s adventure. 


 Puerto Peñasco, Mexico... Day 3


   The Grand Mayan is a huge condo structure that went up in 2016 and is still under construction. Only a handful of units are actually open. We have one on the first floor, #3111. The Pinkerton’s are down the hall in 3104. 

   Our patio balconies have a small pool of water that we originally mistook for a hot tub. It is, however, a summertime cool down pool. Right now the 40 degree water is uninviting. The tub apparently runs full of water. So much do that it overflows it’s rim and drains down to recirculating pumps. I can’t imagine the water is fresh and drains out to the sewer!  The problem with our tub is the noise. It makes a loud sound like when you drain a bathtub, only much much louder. It did no make this noise the first day. But it is now!  It started yesterday and has been gurgling all night!  It’s like a Chinese water torture chamber!  I barely got to sleep!  We’re notified maintenance 3 times. They came out the first time we called but the noise returned as soon as the guy left. Now we can’t get them to respond. We may have to take blankets down by the Lazy River tonight if we can’t get their attention!

   Debby made coffee this morning. The strange coffee maker is temperamental. She put in 4 cups of water and it yielded 2 cups of coffee. Now how does that work??

   When we checked into the Mayhan resort on Sunday afternoon, they told us they would upgrade us into the grand Mayan  if we would listen to a sales presentation. It sounded like something we wanted to do so we agreed. We made an appointment for Tuesday morning at 9 AM. Breakfast would be included. So today is Tuesday so we met our host in the main lobby. We walked to the only restaurant open for our breakfast in the beginning I have a sales pitch. We had to smooth talking salesman with us this morning. I figured it might be a hard day. I was right.

   Because our tiny waiting pool I was so noisy all of yesterday afternoon and last night, I made every effort and took every opportunity to tell them I was not happy with the unit and asked if we could relocate. Of course, they had nothing else. Come to find out, there was no heat In the regular Mayan so sticking us into the Grond Mayan was to their advantage anyway. They simply made it sound like they were doing us a favor by giving us a free upgrade if we listened to their spiel.  I asked Carlos how many units were available for people. He said a number more than 300. I asked what their current occupancy was. He said 38. I said, “So you have something else I can move into”?  He said no. I asked him if they had a special unit for the Presidente. He said yes. I said, “Well he’s not coming. Could I have his room”?  He didn’t answer me. 

   Francisco and Carlos treated us to a good breakfast with coffee and juice, omelets, sweet rolls and fresh fruit. They began to talk about the perks to being part of the Vidanta Resort to organization. After an hour or so we walked back to the office for more in depth information.

   It was a tough day. During the course of talking with these two guys, a more powerful salesman came over to financially help seal the deal. The presentation was intense and we felt the pressure.  The bottom line began at $87,000 plus   Over the course of 6 hours, the price was adjusted each time they felt we looked like we weren’t going to buy. The final cost toys was less than  $11,ooo for each couple. They would not let us take the contract back to our rooms and read it unless we paid their down-payment, signed the contract and left our passports with them. 

   Although we were on the fence a few times, good sense took over and we said “no”. After that, our “friends “, Francisco and Carlos did not say goodbye or anything!  

   Our final gauntlet was apparently the General Manager who tried to get on our good side by playing a better new friend than the other three. He even sweetened the pot with a few more perks. By the time this 4th salesman came along, we were toast!  Stick a fork in me...I’m done!  This whole day was short!  Time for dinner!

   I came back to our room, pulled the concrete lid off of the pool control box and closed the water valve. I doesn’t stop 100% of the gurgling noise but it did cut it down by 95%. 

   This evening, Toronto and I took a stroll on the beach. The tide was so far out that we couldn’t make it to the surf. There are literally thousands of various sizes and types of seashells in the sand. I picked up a few for souvenirs. 

   Toronto found one live animal in the sand. I couldn’t tell what it was. When I touched it with my finger, it moved a little, as of closing up.   It was mostly smooth and felt like really tough skin.  I took a couple of pictures but still couldn’t make out what it was. 

   I watched the sun go down taking a photo and headed back. It was dark before we got back but Toronto knew where he was going. I merely let  him lead. After all, that’s his job. 


 Puerto Peñasco, Mexico...Day 1


   Up at the crack of dawn, well, maybe a little later, we met up with Ron and Nancy for an 8:30 am breakfast at Denny’s. By the time  the second cup of coffee kicked in we were ready for that Home Run, or Slam Dunk or Grand Slam,... whatever they called it. 

   Following our private church service, we took our suitcases out front and met our lady driver for our shuttle ride to Rocky Point, aka Puerto Peñasco, about a4 hour drive from Phoenix. Lynelle started her shuttle business several years ago. She and her husband, Mike run five 15-passenger vans between Phoenix and Puerto Peñasco nearly every day. It was great having a professional driver pick us up at our Motel and drop us off at our Resort. Lynelle was extremely knowledgeable about the area as she has been going there with her family since 1967. She knew a lot about the sights along the way. Her stories made the trip seem to fly by. 

   We stopped in Ajo, AZ for gas and grub, learning much about the area copper mining and the Air Force flight training areas. 

   We had to walk through the Mexico border gate with our luggage. It was Toronto’s first border crossing. There were 7 of us tourists walking together. The single border guard asked if we were only carrying clothes.  We said we was and he let us all go through without so much as showing passports or anything!  Our driver net us on the other side and reloaded our luggage. 

   Lynelle dropped off her other passengers first and then drove us through Rocky Point, pointing out some cool places and interesting where Al Capone stayed when he came there. Also where John F Kennedy stayed. We stopped at a grocery store to pick up a few things for our condo, and then on out to the Mayan Resort. 

   We checked in and got our rooms in the Grand Mayan. The rooms are spacious with 19’ ceilings, a patio pool with a view of the Sea of Cortez and sporting more square feet than my first house!  

   After dinner in their huge restaurant, named Bakdl, we ended our day. No glitches. No hiccups. Smooth. Tomorrow we get to explore a bit. 




Wednesday, February 24, 2021

 Puerto Peñasco, Mexico...Day 2


   We spent a relaxing day around the resort getting to know the lay of the land and finding our way around. The most pristine area of the property is the South side along the swimming pools and the Lazy River. The landscape is well done. The lawn grass is well watered and manicured. The landscape is cultivated with various cacti, tropical plants and palm trees. There is quite a bit of pool shoreline with a host of lounge chairs and thatched-roof shelters that provide shade under the hot Mexican sun. Today however, the heat is not our problem. The low 60’s and gusty wind makes my jacket feel great!  It’s still a far cry from 19 degrees with a yard full of ice!

   As we walked around the area, we couldn’t help but take notice that the place was empty. We had it all to ourselves!  Toronto and I took a stroll across the sandy beach and walked along the shore of the Sea of Cortez.  I let Toronto off leash because no one but us was on the beach. He ran and jumped around like s spring Lamb and quickly scurried back as soon as his feet got wet!  

   I have taught Toronto to drop everything he is doing, sniffing or exploring and immediately come running to me when I call the name, “BEAR”!  He is kibble-motivated and he knows I always carry an ample supply in a pouch on my hip. More than that, he knows I treat generously when I call!  It works every time!

   This afternoon was spent relaxing and resting. Debby and Nancy walked down to the beach to catch some sun while Ron and I returned to our respective condos for som R & R and a nap or two. I’m not sure about Ron but I did not disappoint myself!

   Our evening lunch at the restaurant was a medley of hamburger, fries, a sandwich, loaded nachos and a couple of tropical fruit plates!  

   Our stroll around the pool and along the Lazy River yielded photos and my new ball cap. Back to our condo, I spent time trying to get maintenance to respond to the loud noises being made by our tiny patio pool. They failed to get it fixed. We will have to listen to it all night. 

   We finished the day by cutting open a fresh watermelon and talking about our day. 



Monday, February 22, 2021

 A Time to Thaw Out


February 2021.  

   Another international excursion for the Thomas and Pinkerton couples. Braving the fear of a year-long pandemic. It’s not quite so fearful for us because we’re had our Corona shots!  Yes!  That’s all there is to it!  Two shots of Corona and Bob’s your uncle!

   So after sealing the deal on our home inside the boundary of Johnson, Arkansas, we began the arduous task of giving it a new facelift. New paint within and without, new kitchen , master bathroom overhaul and new wood flooring.   We have had great help with this project!  Thanks so much to Steve & Rhonda for a ton of scraping, sanding, texturizing, priming and painting, including high work on Steve’s scaffolding!   Thanks Jeff & Cara for your help with electrical, plumbing and carpentry!  A big thank you to Debby’s sister, Sandi and her husband, Marvin for helping us with getting a new kitchen, bathroom, wood flooring, shelves, cabinets, countertops and much more!  Marvin is a master craftsman and we were lucky to have him helping us!  They also sent down some of their best help from Branson to install our kitchen and all the flooring!  Many thanks, guys!  A big thank you to Ron and Nancy. She is a great painter!  Dr. Ron was new to this kind of stuff but he worked hard and helped me immensely!  We scraped old glue off the floor, patched Sheetrock,  chipped up tile, mud and taped, sanded, removed old flooring and trim, covered floors, windows and trim for painters and installed a new toilet. For his hard work outside of his professional field of a podiatry, Ron has earned the coveted “ Carpenters Pencil.”  Next month we plan to have a pencil sharpening ceremony and catfish dinner!  Thank you, my friend!  Much thanks also to Brent and my son, Matt for coming all the way from Ok City to help us, even with ice on the roads!  Matt was great with the detail work we needed. Brent was our floor tile guy. He did a great job installing our bathroom flooring!  Also, thanks to Debby’s sister Teri and Sam who helped with some demo work; also to a friend of Sam’s who helped. Most of all, thanks to Debby for her labor with not only the demo and finish work, but shopping for everything going into our new home; new appliances, cabinets, flooring, paint color, and a million little things that takes a keen eye and determination to complete. 

   At our age, the physical workout has been over the top and we needed a break!  

   We did not expect record-setting cold temperatures, snow and ice to be a part of the mix. Arctic conditions puts a strain on a Codger’s energy level, not to mention all the work sucking us dry. 

   With all that said, we chose a resort in Mexico and planned our adventure. Puerto Peñasco, on the Sea of Cortez appeared to fit the bill.   We picked a date and time, bought airline tickets and made travel arrangements to cross the border into Mexico. We also contacted the resort management to see what we needed to do to bring my Guide Dog, Toronto. 

   Our traveling companions, Ron and Nancy Pinkerton used some of their air miles and flew American. Their trip was uneventful. Our trip was a bit different. 

   We flew United because we had some previously canceled flight credits that needed to be used. 

   United was 45 minutes late taking off. Part of that was having to de-ice the plane prior to takeoff. I’m sure every other airline in Northwest Arkansas had to do the same. They otherwise made no excuse. The pilot probably overslept. 

   We landed in Houston at the exact same time as boarding on our connecting flight began. We literally ran to get up to the sky train to go to another terminal!  Debby got a leg cramp, which made walking even more difficult. Although we were hurrying at break-neck speed, I noticed everyone else was passing us, even other old people!  A kind man driving a buggy stopped and gave us a ride to Gate 5, which was still a Codger mile away!  We barely made boarding. We were among the last to board. 

   We made good time to Phoenix and headed towards Baggage Claim. We stopped at a doggie relief station to give Toronto a chance to relieve himself. As usual, he was very reluctant to step foot on that plastic grass with the fake Fire Hydrant in the corner. I bribed him with a kibble to give it a go. He sniffed around a lot, made a couple of circles and stepped up on the turf. I rewarded him for being brave. 

   At Baggage Claim, we soon discovered that one of our 3 suitcases was missing. It was the one with all of our warm weather clothes we had packed for Mexico. I could just picture us lounging around the beach in our wool long-handles!  

   The baggage agent got on her computer and found our suitcase still parked in Houston!  Wonderful! Fortunately, she was able to get it on the next flight to Phoenix. She promised to bring it to us at the La Quinta about mid afternoon, which did actually happen!

   Tonight we rest. Tomorrow morning we catch a shuttle van to go to our resort in Mexico.   The shuttle will pick us up at 10:30 for the 4 hour trip. So what could go wrong?