Philip Winn
I can’t remember anyone in my life who made more of an impact on me than Debby’s uncle, Phil Winn. This man was perhaps the most influential person in my life. He possessed the qualities that were inspirational; an example in character that had no equal. I first met Phil in 1969 when he lived in Kansas City. Over the years we visited often. He was instrumental in helping me get my HVAC Service company off the ground. I will never forget his kindness.
Uncle Phil passed away May 8, 2018 at the age of nearly 92. Growing up during the Great Depression and serving in the Army during World War II, Uncle Phil was no stranger to hard times. As a youngster, Phil worked hard to help support his family. Phil’s father was very influential in his life, a living example of how NOT to be a father.
Following the passing of his Evelyn, a union that lasted more than 60 years, Phil met Leigh and later married her. She was a wonderful Christian woman who brought new life into Phil’s world, as he did to her. There would be 8 years of wedded bliss for these two who made the most of each moment.
On Memorial Day weekend, May 27, 2022, the family gathered at the Veteran’s Memorial Cemetery in Springfield, MO where he was entered with his Evelyn.
We say goodbye to our Fallen Eagle of the WW II era. It’s hard to let go of a man who was so important to each of us. We know with assurance that this Soul is waiting in Paradise, probably golfing with God. Rest In Peace, dear friend.