We docked in Copenhagen about 0600, went upstairs for a liesurely breakfast before grabbing our luggage and heading for a taxi. It was hard leaving the loving arms of the Princess after being pampered the past 11 days.
A taxi ride to the airport hot us there 4 or 5 hours sooner than writing needed to be but it worked out for the best. Getting through Security was time consuming, to say the least. They were unusually slow and the lines were the longest I have ever seen! No worries! We were never anxious as we had plenty of time.
The 90 minute plane ride to Budapest went well. We hot a taxi how our Urania Apartments. We buzzed for entry but there was no answer. We fumbled around trying to get some help until a tenant came up with he5 pizza and she helped us. She knew the cleaning lady! The cleaning lady cane down and brought her friend who spoke English. They were surprised we were there to claim our apartment. Besides, she had not cleaned it yet! After showing her our paperwork that, yes, this was the correct date and time and address and,my essay, it was paid for in advance, that, no, the owner from whom we rented this unit was currently in America! But no problem, we don't need to telephone the owner . She needed us to wait 3 hours to clean...like we had a choice. We, apparently, caught her off guard. Like we say back home..."When the cat's away, the mice will play".
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