We finally made it to Jamaica. I have thought about coming here for so many years it’s not even funny! Many years ago when one of my best friends got married here, I knew I needed to come check it out. So here we are! To e honest, it’s not quite like hoe I imagined it to be. It’s nice and all but in a different way. I thought of Jamaica as the land of steel drums, you know, those they hammered out of the tops of old oil drums that made a unique sound. They do have steel drums here, more professionally made but mostly played in clubs or hotels or even aboard a cruise ship.
I was surprised by the heavy traffic and left side driving, although the British were here long ago running slave operations in the sugar industry. We saw the town square in Montgomery Bay where they used to hang slaves and even white folks trying to help the slaves. The old sugar mill still stands but has since been abandoned.
Monet go Bay was a bustling city with a huge International Airport. There are many shops and places to eat. It has most of the fast food burger joints like Wendy’s and Burger King. Didn’t see any McDonald’s, however. We did see Starbucks and a Margaritaville, near the beach.Our tour driver, Ian Morris, said Jamaica has more churches per square mile than any other place. The Chinese have their footprint imbedded here, as they do in many other islands in this part of the world. They are buying up property, opening businesses and taking over properties. China seems to be growing in population and must go somewhere, I guess.
Ian said there are no mean, wild animals on the island. Also no snakes. At one time, the Mongoose was imported to keep down the snake danger in the sugar cane fields, probably by the British. When the snakes were all eaten, the Mongoose went to work on the chickens!
We got off the Regal Princes land entered the city. There was no one checking passports or id anywhere. We bought and shopped using American currency. I think Jamaica has their own currency but we didn’t see any of it in circulation. This place is dependent upon tourism and many Americans come here to vacation or cruise.
W enjoyed our short stay. We were here for about 8 hours today. We sail away about 5:00.
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