Overgaard, AZ
I don’t start every day with ice cream for breakfast, but it was fun today. But it was time to packup and leave our “Extended Stay Inn” (of America) where we spent the past three days in Phoenix.
We set the GPS for the MESA, AZ Cracker Barrel and headed out. Mesa was about 30 minutes down the road, but it was in the direction of our final destination. I have to confess, Cracker Barrel serves up the best frosty mug of fresh lemonade EVER! Mmmmmmmmm.
Arizona has a lot of land between Mesa and Overgaard; most of it appeared to be Cactus and Prickly Pear infested land. I would hate to have to walk across country in this area. As I stepped off the road to take a closer look at these prickly things, I bumped my leg against an aggressive thorn. I had to carefully pull up my pant leg before I could remove it from my shin. What did I learn?? Stay in the car!!

As we began climbing in altitude, patches of snow began to appear alongside of the road. The Cacti disappeared and were replaced by non-prickly bushes, and then taller Pine trees. On top of the Rim, we drove through the tiny town of Overgaard. I tappears that this area is a vacation place for those in Arizona wanting to escape the summer heat.

We are staying in a Worldmark Resort called BISON RANCH. Apparently, this area used to BE a Bison ranch. The lady behind the welcome desk in Worldmark said there were no more Bison here. The owners soon found out that trying to keep migratory animals behind a fence was useless!
We drove around and looked at some of the summer cottages and private residences. A few are forsale. I may have to check them out! It’s a beautiful area. We have a nice condo on the first floor. We tried out the HOT TUB this evening with the setting sun. It fits. It’s a keeper! We will be here for 5 days with daily temperatures in the 50’s…..just about right!
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